Jeff True Jones - Software Developer

Hey There! I'm Jeff True Jones.

I am a full-stack software developer proficient in JavaScript frameworks and HTML/CSS. I currently reside in Durham, NC with my partner and our four cats.

I pursued web development before working in the music industry as a performer and voice instructor. In 2020 I sustained a vocal injury that prevented me from continuing this career path. I lost the ability to speak or sing for an extended period of time and had to rely on text-to-speech apps to communicate.

Through this experience I reconnected with my passion for technology and was inspired to pursue software development. I hope to help others in a similar fashion by creating software and web applications that are accessible to everyone. I am insatiably curious and am thrilled to be in a field where there is always more to learn.

My specialities include front and back-end development, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL. I am particularly interested in creating software relating to the music business, web accessibility, and assistive applications.

This webpage is my portfolio of software development projects. I am looking for free-lance web development opportunities, contract work, and full-time employment.


Restaurant Reservation System


I designed, implemented, and deployed this three-tier full-stack Restaurant reservation application which includes a UI, custom express API, and PostgreSQL database. The main use case for this application is to aid restaurant workers in keeping track of reservations received over the phone.

Live App Source Code

Website For Local Massage Therapy Business


I implemented this JAMstack website for a local client. The design choices are entirely reflective of the tastes of the client, but I built the project without a CSS framework. This project utilizes static and dynamic rendering, a headless CMS, and third party APIs for different functionalities, and is entirely responsive.

Live App Source Code

Project WeLoveMovies


I designed a RESTful API and set up the PostgreSQL database of this Movie Theater app. The project is hosted on Heroku for demo purposes, so please allow a few seconds for loading.

Live App Source Code

Project GrubDash


I designed a RESTful API for the backend of a restaurant app. Utilizing Express.js and Node.js, I designed the business logic that powers the express server and exposes resources to the client.

Live App Source Code

Flashcard App

React.js/Bootstrap 4.5

I developed a flashcard web app to help people study. I designed the UI and the algorithms for the create, edit, delete, and study functions. The backend is fake JSON server, so load time may be slow or require refreshing.

Live App Source Code

Pomodoro Timer


I developed a web app to help people study in efficient intervals of time. It is based on the Pomodoro technique invented by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. I designed the functionality of the UI and cleaned up the styling.

Live App Source Code

Decoder Ring


I developed a web app that encodes and decodes. I designed the algorithms for encoding and decoding, and created unit tests to maintain a TDD workflow. Site includes Ceasar shifts and polybius square encoding and decoding.

Live App Source Code

Local Library UI


I developed a web app that facilitates a neighborhood lending library. I designed the algorithms to track book inventory and statistical information for the project including most popular book, most popular author, and most popular genre.

Live App Source Code